Tishbite | Tob | Tochen | Tolad | Tophel | tower of Eder (KJV= tower of Edar; NIV= Migdal Eder) | Tower of Hananel (KJV= Hananeel) | Tower of the Hundred (KJV= tower of Meah) | Tower of the Ovens | Trachonitis | Valley of the Travelers (KJV= passengers; NIV= travel)

tower of Eder (KJV= tower of Edar; NIV= Migdal Eder)

tower of Eder (KJV= tower of Edar; NIV= Migdal Eder)
Sumber: tyndale
Id Topik: 9845

Gen.35.21; Mic.4.8;