Lebaoth |
Leb-kamai (KJV= in the midst; NIV= Leb Kamai) |
Lebonah |
Lehi |
Lehi (KJV= a troop; NIV= a place) |
Lehi (KJV= in the jaw)
| Libnah
| Libnah
| Libyan
| Libya (KJV= Chub; NIV= Kub)
| Libya
- tyndale: En-hakkore (NIV= En Hakkore) (8862)
- tyndale: Lehi (9327)
- tcr: Air (3801)
- haag: Hakim Israel (5167)
- haag: Simson (5522)
- kecil: Simson (6189)
- pedoman: Air (6600)
- pedoman: Jawab, Jawaban Doa (6805)
- pedoman: Keledai Jinak (6827)
- tokoh: Simson (7393)